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Historique des enchères
# de palette Date Prix

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La liste de l'historique des enchères a été mise à jour le: samedi, 13 juillet 2024 | 17h 50m 05s

LOT 110

1898 - 1992

Barns at Letterkenny
huile sur panneau
signé et au verso signé, titré et daté
12 x 15 po, 30.5 x 38.1 cm

Estimation : 15 000 $ - 25 000 $ CAD

Vendu pour : 23 750 $

Exposition à :

The Art Emporium, Vancouver
By descent to the present Private Estate, British Columbia

Group of Seven artist A.J. Casson extensively explored southern Ontario by car, finding his subjects in the region’s village streets, mills, barns, cabins, houses and sheds. He captured in his on-the-spot sketches a pervasive sense of the humanity present there, whether actually present or just out of view. Letterkenny, a farming hamlet in Renfrew County, had a notorious past – according to local folklore, Al Capone hid out there in the 1930s, in a log cabin on Letterkenny Road. By 1958, when Casson painted in the area, Letterkenny was in decline and almost deserted. These barns show the ravages of time, but in the warm light raking across the scene, and in the bright-green grass and trees in their glowing fall finery, we feel how glorious it must have been to live there. Casson’s fine eye for design can be seen in the golden fan-like trees behind the barns, and the orange, gold and ochre stand of trees farther back. Overhead, streaking clouds give a feeling of movement in the firmament above the still scene. Barns at Letterkenny is an outstanding example of Casson’s work in Ontario’s rural countryside, peaceful and deeply nostalgic.

Tous les prix affichés sont en dollars canadiens.

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