Appraisals and Estimates
Auction Estimates

Heffel is pleased to provide complimentary provisional auction estimates for your original artworks. Our specialists across Canada have unsurpassed expertise in a wide variety of fine art categories and genres.

Artworks can be reviewed in-person, by appointment, or alternatively, can be submitted for review using our Estimate Request form. Estimates can also be provided on most artworks via e-mail, by sending images and details (dimensions, medium, date, title, provenance and exhibition history) to

Our specialists will work with you to meet your goals and desired timelines for your artworks. Should you wish to proceed with selling, we will recommend the appropriate Heffel auction, depending on the artwork valuation, genre and timeline.

Please note that Heffel is unable to provide evaluations on all artworks, as some items may be outside of our areas of expertise.

Formal Written Appraisals

Heffel provides professional written valuations and appraisals for insurance, probate, estate planning, charitable donations, donation of certified cultural property and other purposes. Heffel has a long history of facilitating fine art appraisals of the highest standard, and will ensure that your collection is appropriately catalogued, photographed and evaluated by our team of specialists.

Appraisals can be carried out in our offices or at your premises and appraisal fees vary according to circumstances. Some appraisals can also be conducted by reviewing images and details electronically. Please submit an Appraisal Request or e-mail with images and details (dimensions, medium, date, title, provenance and exhibition history).

Interested in Consigning?

We are accepting consignments for our live and online auctions, inclusive of international art.

Questions about Appraisals?